Applied Institute of Artificial Intelligence

Alternance & Stage

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The Alternance at AI2

At Applied Institued of Artificial Intelligence, we believe in the importance of combining academic learning with real-world professional experience. Our degree program in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science offers students the opportunity to immerse themselves in the heart of the professional world through rewarding learning and professionalization contracts.

Work-study is much more than a simple internship. This is a real career opportunity for our students to develop their skills, explore different business sectors, and prepare for a promising one in the fields of AI and Data Science. Discover how our school promotes the professional development of our students by accompanying them throughout their learning journey and discovery of partner companies.

Benefits of Work Study

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The contract of Professionalization

Discover our Professional Contract – Combine Knowledge and Experience

Our professional contract is more than just an opportunity; it’s an exciting experience that allows you to merge theory with practice. Through this alternating program, you’ll have the unique chance to enhance your skills while being directly immersed in the professional world.

Why Choose Our Professional Contract?

Blend Theory and Practice: Our alternating program is designed to enable you to combine theoretical knowledge gained in class with tangible experience in a company. This holistic approach gives you a significant edge in the job market.

Rewarding Experience: You’ll have the opportunity to work within a partner company while continuing your education at our school. This experience exposes you to the reality of professional challenges and helps you develop sought-after skills.

Passport to a Promising Career: The professional contract is your ticket to a successful career. You can apply your newly acquired knowledge, strengthen your resume, and establish valuable contacts in the industry.

Shape Your Professional Future: Our alternating program offers you the chance to carve your own path to success. You can apply what you learn in class in a real working environment, significantly boosting your skills and self-confidence.

Join us today to shape your journey to success by enrolling in our alternating program. We look forward to guiding you through this exhilarating adventure, where each day brings you closer to your bright professional future.

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the apprenticeship contract

Discover our Apprenticeship Contract – Your Gateway to the School of AI

The apprenticeship contract we offer is more than just an opportunity. It’s an exceptional bridge for ambitious students aspiring to enter the thrilling world of Artificial Intelligence. It’s a unique experience that combines quality education with tangible professional immersion.

Why Choose Our Apprenticeship Contract?

Quality Training: Our training program is designed to provide you with the essential knowledge and skills in the field of Artificial Intelligence. You’ll have access to courses led by renowned experts and cutting-edge resources.

Practical Experience: Learning isn’t limited to the classroom. You’ll have the opportunity to apply what you learn in a real professional setting. It’s a valuable chance to apply your knowledge to tangible projects.

Total Immersion: You’ll be immersed in the world of Artificial Intelligence, surrounded by seasoned professionals. This immersion will allow you to understand the real challenges the industry faces and develop skills that make a difference in the field.

Prepare Your Future: The AI sector is booming and offers countless career opportunities. By joining our apprenticeship contract, you’re positioning yourself for a successful future in a constantly evolving domain.

Join Us and Shape Your Future with Success!

We invite you to seize this unique opportunity. Join us on this exhilarating journey of discovery, learning, and skill development in Artificial Intelligence. Your future starts here, with our apprenticeship contract.

unity to join our AI school. Benefit from quality training while gaining concrete professional experience. Develop your skills in total immersion in the world of Artificial Intelligence. Join us and prepare your future successfully!

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in companies
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In school
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Remuneration contract of professionalization

This contract, lasting from 6 months to 2 years, can be a fixed-term or permanent contract of a particular type, with a weekly working time defined by the company and including the training time. It is open to people aged 16 to 25 and to job seekers aged 26 and over, and concerns all companies except the State, public administrative institutions, local authorities and their groupings.

Remuneration apprenticeship contract

This type of contract offers alternation under an employment contract, giving the apprentice the status of young employee, for a period of 6 months to 3 years, with a weekly working time defined by the company and including training time. It is open to students aged 16 to 29, whether they are French or nationals of the European Union, and concerns all companies.

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Join us to shape the future!

Discover our exceptional programs in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence and prepare for a promising career in the digital age.


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