Applied Institute of Artificial Intelligence

Master 2 in Engineering in Artificial Intelligence and Connected Objects

Welcome to our Master 2 in Engineering in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Connected Objects (IoT) at AI2. Our Master 2 program is designed to train highly skilled and versatile engineers capable of meeting the complex challenges of AI and IoT in an increasingly connected world.

overview of the program

main objective

The main goal of this Master 2 is to prepare you to become a highly qualified engineer in the fields of AI and IoT. You will gain advanced technical skills in software engineering, IoT application development, big data processing, and much more. You’ll be ready to design, develop and implement innovative AI and IoT solutions to solve real-world problems.

overview of the program


The program runs over a one-year period and is divided into several modules, each focusing on specific aspects of AI and IoT. Here is an overview of the key modules:

Foundations of AI and IoT

You will develop a solid understanding of the fundamentals of AI and IoT.

IoT application development

You will learn how to design, develop and deploy practical IoT applications.

massive data processing

You will explore techniques for managing and analyzing big data generated by IoT devices.

security and privacy

You will immerse yourself in the cybersecurity of IoT devices and data protection.

practical projects

You will have the opportunity to work on real AI and IoT projects in collaboration with partner companies.

Master’s thesis

You will have to carry out an advanced research or development project in the field of AI and IoT.

overview of the program

career opportunities

After obtaining your Master 2 in Engineering in Artificial Intelligence and Connected Objects, you will be ready to occupy key positions in companies focused on AI, IoT and technology. You will be able to work as an IoT engineer, artificial intelligence engineer, IoT solutions architect, IoT application developer and much more.

Data Analyst

Data Scientist

AI Engineer


Business Intelligence Analyst

Data Engineer

Data Science Consultant

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Join us to shape the future !

Discover our exceptional programs in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence and prepare for a promising career in the digital age.


Bonjour !


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